Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hair situation

I was looking at my old pictures from my phone. I stumbled across this one, it was taken last year on New Years Eve. My hair was very, very long! If I can recall, my hair that time was in waves. Then, the Angels decided to straightened it, Nana (on the right, btw, this is NOT the Nana I posted about earlier. This one is from my dads side) straightened it and voila! Everybody said "Whoa!!Panjang berabis jua rambut Jirah!!!" (^^_") The hair length is until my thighs. Well, I know at that time, my hair was longer than Fidz! WooHoo! Hahaha. I kinda miss that hair =( I had it cut cause I got bored and wanted a new hairstyle. Actually, the hairstylist cut it wrong. I wanted my hair cut until the hips but she cut it until under my shoulder! No wonder my head felt soo light! Well, Tina cut it in different layers, some shoulder length, some longer than that and some until the chin. Even though she did it wrong but I didn't complained. Cause I LOVED IT! Hahaha and I love my hair now. Hahaha, after a few months, panat tia my hair ah, changed in species. I like it's panat-ness though. The panat is that It can either be straight or soft-wavy NATURALLY. After shampoo-ing, if I let it dry by itself and leave it untouched, wavy tia but when I combed it while it's still wet, straight tia. A lot of people exclaimed that my hair grows fast. After five days, it'll grow a few inches. Isn't that normal?
