Thursday, March 19, 2009

Animated me

I'm currently so bored. As a result, I'm going to post the pictures that Ryna tagged me on today. Hahaha, I really like these pictures.

I'm Sleepy in this picture. Good choice! Hahahaha. Cause these few days, I find myself sleepy for almost everyday.

In this picture, well, I don't know what my animated kitty is doing but I was chosen as that kitty cat under the number 3.

The pictures are so cucucucte! Ahahaha ;)


Zira Lee

Last day for this term

I'm smiling and thanking God at the same time. All my problems that kept worrying me are now solved! They all were solved in just in a blink of an eye. Everything worked out as usual and I am very thankful.


Anyways, for today, I didn't have my Psychology class since Teacher Salina cancelled it yesterday. My Psychology lesson was the last lesson and since it's cancelled, I was able to go home at 12 PM. Actually, I would've gone home around 11AM since my PS was at that time but mom picked me up late. I guess teacher Salina cancelled it because she knows that not all of the students will attend. She is, after all, could be considered as a Psychologist in a teachers form. She did gave us homework though. Darn! Hahaha. Hmm, I think I scored quite well for the test I've posted earlier before. 61% Hopefully, I can do better during the exams.

Speaking of homework, my Economics homework is 'revising topic 1 and reading topic 2: The price system' At first, I thought, "Wow, that's little!" Then, I thought back and that was so totally wrong! Revising ALL in topic 1 is a lot. Hahaha. I can handle that though. We had Economics test yesterday and today, Sir. Alias said "I've checked some of your essays and they are not good. "Uh-oh, he did said SOME. Hopefully, he hasn't checked mine. For today's test, argh, I couldn't even finish it! Bye-bye, good marks~

Next, ELite homework is called 'Shakespeare: Getting to know the author'. The questions are all about Shakespeare's personal info and successes. I'm trying to revise and understand ELite for this holiday. ELite is so not the same as English, ya know... Not even close to English. Except for the speaking language. Hahaha.

No homework for GP, yeay! You know, nothing seems to work according to Mr.Chris's plan. He took us to the library but we ended going back to class. Probably because the library was getting packed. I mean, Nira's class was also there and the students who were having their PS took almost all of the available seats. Then, he explained to us about this video and we were supposed to watch it but the video then could not work. So, we ended up talking. No studying. Another good holiday starter! Hehehehe.

Oh, I was told that the 600 plus SMB students, along with some Sayiddina Ali (is it this school or not?) are all transferred to Sekolah Menengah Berakas 2 today. They'd probably have had a marvelous time but I know, not all of them felt the same. Some like whilst some dislike. That's how the human is.

Oh, oh, and not forgetting this. I rented a locker yesterday!!! Ahahaha, sekadar. Well, it isn't sekadar for me ;) I've always wanted a locker. Quite excited for it. I'll have to wait for next term to use it. I mean, I shouldn't keep my files there during the holidays.

Last but not least, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, people! This is the moment we've been waiting for. Hahaha. I'm just soo tired. I kept on sleeping at 12AM and woke up at 5 something but usually at 6AM because I usually find myself sleeping through my alarm clock. Hehehehe. I need all the sleep that I can get. Oh, and one more week til the family Miri trip. Hopefully, nothing happens. Like, last month, it was cancelled due to the flooding. I can't hardly wait. I mean, going to Miri, transportation sponsored by your eldest uncle [Thank you! ;)], going there with almost ALL your family members by a bus [A good bus, of course] is going to be so fun! We've never done this before, 42 family members of Delima, all going to Miri together on a bus. Totally going to be noisy yet merry.

Come fast, 27th of March. I've already picked out an outfit for you! Well, I've picked it out since last month, before it was cancelled. Oh, Oh, and my cravings for Easy Way sambal fish is already gone because mom took me there this afternoon. Hehehehe. Nyuuummm!



Zira Lee

It ended with laughters

Hahahaha, I received a facebook mail from my cousin. It was an old mail. About a few months old. I've never had the chance to know the inside since it is a video. I've just watched it a few moments ago and it totally cracked me up! My cousin, Hafiz and either his cousins from his moms side or his friends made a video of themselves. Hahahaha, it totally cracked me up! I never knew he could act like that! Hahaha, ada-ada saja sii Apis ani! Fidz, I think he sent it to you too, I don't know the title of the video but they used the wording "ASOOO" a lot of time.


Zira Lee

Last day at PTEB pictures

Ziemah has finally tagged me the WANTED pictures, hahaha. Well, obviously you can tell why I want these pictures from the title above.

First up is my used-to-be registration classroom, A-3.6. When I entered my classroom, I saw an intruder sat on the chair besides my table. Her name is Ziemah!! Ahahaha, kidding~

Probably, some dust entered my eyes, so, tears started to flow. I did not know my picture was taken! On the other hand, the pictures do look nice =D

Above picture could be misinterpret as crying! Wait, I don't really look like crying, right? Or not. Hahaha. Then, below picture was taken at the end GP lesson.

After GP was break. Where did we go? The toilet! Hahaha.

As I've posted in my previous post, we had an emergency briefing. After it ended, it was lunch time. So, get on with the cameras!!!

The titanic

I was eager to see the titanic since sister Feena told me about it on her first day there. I was even more eager to see it after I seeing the picture of her and her friends on it. I didn't really know that it was a walkway until I schooled there. Hahahaha. Glad I had the chance to take a picture on it. So what that some of the pictures are blur.

These are the only pictures that I post. There are other more pictures but come on, you don't expect me post all of them, do you? Hahahaha. Okay, cheers!

Zira Lee

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Second day

I had my ELite class first. Mrs. Caroll was back and we had some sonnet revision. Confusing yet fun. Oh, Nira and I went to the library during our PS time. We sat on the second floor and the view was beautiful.

PS time


Teacher Salina gave us back our MCQ homework. The homework which I did not gave my fullest attention. Antam saja. Luckily, I got 8 out of 16. Hahaha, 50%. Next homework, I'll give my fullest attention! Hopefully.

I look tired. Well, when you slept at almost 1AM, why wouldn't you be?


No electricity flow in that class. Aiyaiyaa, so hot! So, we went to the library instead, yeay! =D No studying required! Hahaha ;)

Zita and I stayed in the library until approximately around 2:30PM. We "Chatter... Chatter... Chatter" Hahaha ;)


Zira Lee