Monday, March 16, 2009

First day at Meragang

Wow. Surprisingly, I didn't get lost! Okay, first is first. I was drove from home at around 6:45AM. I know, quite late. I woke up late because I watched TV til late last night. Hehehe. Hey! It was ANTM, I missed a LOT of the episodes already. Anyways, as I arrived 'near' the school. Not 'in' the school. There was a long traffic congestion. Seriously, it was so long that when I first saw it, I did not know where it ends. Anyways, I arrived in the school area. I suggested dad to just let me walk towards the school be he said that I did not have to. Again, anyways, as I looked around the stairs, I saw Dira. We waited for Nira afterwards. Something humorous happened. Hehehe. By the way, the school seemed... isolated. The only thing I can see around are forest, few trucks doing constructions, forests, roads and more forests.

What does the clouds looks like?

We headed to the assembly point. Obviously, we knew where it was since we saw lower 6 students going there and on last Saturday, it was said the upper six would go to the Multi-purpose hall. Outside is definitely not called as a hall. We had a briefing for about half an hour. Then, we sat and chatted and this and that. Finally, we were called to the hall.

The talks in the hall were real brief. So, as the briefing ended and all the non-Muslims got out of the hall, we started our reading of the Yassin. Oh, did I mentioned that we also had to carry the chairs to the canteen? Ahahaha... This is known as 'taking advantages of the students' Hahaha, okay, I'm kidding. It's preferred as 'co-operation'. Oh, and hey! We're in Malaysia! HAHA. Yeah, right~

We went to our perspective classes to start the cleaning. Well, that is what they informed in the notice paper. However, I don't think our class did so. Hahaha. Or maybe I was late and missed all the cleaning. Hmm, Naaah. Cause, when Mr.Hans started to sweep the floor (without asking the students assist) Sidah asked if he wanted helped. Of course, he said "Sure." and everybody started to applaud. Well, to be specific, the boys started to applaud. We, girls, just laugh. Mar and I wanted to help but we were like, "What should we do?" The class looks clean already. Rasidah, Zafirah and Maressa decided to take a tour around the school. So, when Firah asked whether I want to join them or not, I quickly said "Yes." Come on, it's better than just staying and do nothing. This could also help my lost possibility to decrease =D We had fun touring. Mar and I bonded quickly =) . Lets just say, we're new friends who suddenly clicked and can't stop talking. Hahaha. I haven't taken any of pictures from Sidah's phone. Dyamn. We went back to class and hahaha, Sidah brought cookies whilst Firah brought donuts. Little picnic, you may say. Mar and I chatted non-stop until the bell rang.

Met Nira and Dira. We stopped by to have lunch. Can you believe that the only burgers left were the mini-burgers? Gosh. Note to self; bring your own lunch tomorrow. Oh, wait, I didn't buy the food I told Nir and Dir I wanted to bring tomorrow. Haissh. we had ELite BUT we were dismissed at 1:10PM! Hahaha, it was like, we only used 10 minutes.


Zira Lee