Thursday, March 19, 2009

Last day at PTEB pictures

Ziemah has finally tagged me the WANTED pictures, hahaha. Well, obviously you can tell why I want these pictures from the title above.

First up is my used-to-be registration classroom, A-3.6. When I entered my classroom, I saw an intruder sat on the chair besides my table. Her name is Ziemah!! Ahahaha, kidding~

Probably, some dust entered my eyes, so, tears started to flow. I did not know my picture was taken! On the other hand, the pictures do look nice =D

Above picture could be misinterpret as crying! Wait, I don't really look like crying, right? Or not. Hahaha. Then, below picture was taken at the end GP lesson.

After GP was break. Where did we go? The toilet! Hahaha.

As I've posted in my previous post, we had an emergency briefing. After it ended, it was lunch time. So, get on with the cameras!!!

The titanic

I was eager to see the titanic since sister Feena told me about it on her first day there. I was even more eager to see it after I seeing the picture of her and her friends on it. I didn't really know that it was a walkway until I schooled there. Hahahaha. Glad I had the chance to take a picture on it. So what that some of the pictures are blur.

These are the only pictures that I post. There are other more pictures but come on, you don't expect me post all of them, do you? Hahahaha. Okay, cheers!

Zira Lee