Thursday, June 12, 2008

PTM, The Day, Missing You...

Huh... Parents-Teacher Meeting was yesterday... Teacher Sharmila said that I need to start revising, she asked if I do any revising at home, so, being honest, I said "No". Of course, my mom and sis was not happy to hear that. The teacher said I have the potential, the ability, a family who are willing to help me. Lastly, I argued with my sis... I mean, really, the test was not easy and sure, yeah, I'm also to blame because I didn't revise... But how am I gonna revise subjects like maths which needs somebody to explain confusing formulas when everyone is either busy with their own damn business or don't know how to do it?! Well, I guess I have to work on it... Yeah, I can do this! I'll do better in the qualifying exam! I will! .....I hope...

Anyways, the exciting and nerve wrecking day is getting nearer. I have to agree with Nyra, this thing that our class is doing brought everybody, well, almost everybody even more closer together than before. I hope everybody will do great! Well, of course they will! I just hope other people will love it! Amiiin...


I'm missing three people. My sweetie(I always miss you), my heart breaker(Sometimes, I think I'm over you. But, I just realise that I'm not really over you... Still on the way...) and the third is, my classmate who is a very close friend(I used to have a crush on you but then, it faded... Now, its coming back again after you stared deeply into my eyes... Whoa!)


I will post some memorable pics of what we're doing. Not now though, cause its a surprise. Ok, not really a surprise "SURPRISE" just a surprise. Hahah, you readers do get it right? Yeah, some classes know what were doing but some don't. Anyways, they only know what we're doing but not everybody knows whos doing what... Get it? Haha, I don't think so...


Zira Lee