Saturday, June 14, 2008

I need to cool down...

Its 4:15 am and counting. Here I am, awake from my sleep, decided to do my hair. Today's the day. So, I guess I can spill it out already and besides, nobody I know would read blogs at this time, they would probably read this after this whole thing is finito. So, it will still be a surprise. Anyways, our English teacher chose our class to do the acting "Beauty is a beast". I'll do it on detail later this afternoon, I'm sleepy. I'm just nervous, so ,I need to blog, I'm too tired to write it in my diary, besides, clicking the keyboard is much more fun! Argggh! I'm sooo nervous. What if I forgot my lines?What if I fell on the stage?What if my friends did the same? That would be a total embarrassment! I don't care if people don't like it. What matters is my mates and I loves it! I know my pals are feeling the same as me now. I really need to shake this feeling off or else I WILL forget my lines. I hope we all will make teacher Kimmie proud. Its gonna be sad though, when this all end, we will be back to studying English and there will be no more rehearsals.
Zira Lee