Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tagged by Nira Ali

What's the relationship of you with him/her?
: She's my best friend =)

5 impression towards him/her?
: Funny,
: Hard-working,
: pretty,
: EDC obsessed,
: kind.

The most memorable thing that she/he said to you?
: "We can tell anything to each other" =).

The most memorable thing that she/he have done to you?
: being there for me when I was extremely hurt.

If she/he becomes your lover, you will ...
: always have a crazy-time with her.

If she/he becomes your enemy, you will ...
: Feel sad.

If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on ...
: Obsession.She has to be more obsessed with me than EDC/Jay Chou/Jared Leto!!!Haha

If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is?
: I can't think of any possible reason.If I marry EDC, I think we'll still be friends, right, Nir?Hehehe

The most desirable things to do on him/her is?
: Make her laugh.

The overall impression on him/her is?
: forever friendship =).

How do you think people around you feel about you?
: I don't know. This is why I want to be someone else for a day.

The character of you about yourself is?
: Unpredictable.

On contrary, the character of yourself you hate is?
: Lazy-study-ass.

The most ideal person you wanna be is?
: A world-good-influential person

For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
: If I know them-I Love ya'all ;)
: If I don't-Hello ;)

10 people you tag.

  1. Fitri

  2. Anden

  3. Nira

  4. Lina

To those who have done it already, never mind :)

Who is No. 2 having relationship with?
: zira a.k.a Me.

No. 3 is a female or male?
: Female.

If No. 7 and No. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?

How about No. 5 and No. 8

What is No. 1 studying about?
:Hahaha,lemme ask her

Is No. 4 single?
:I don't think so

Say something about No. 6

