Tuesday, December 9, 2008

S.H.R.A.A & beach day

Ohh, and

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!

So, I woke up, my eyes felt tingly. It was day one after the incident. I didn't want to attend the family thingy, I just wanted to lock myself in my room and stay in bed but I managed to attend anyways. We arrived around to our mothers parents house around 10AM. Ate, the foods were tasty! Hahaha. After that, I went to the relax room and plopped on the couch, looking like crap! Hahaha.I told Amir to inform Fitri where I was. She came upstairs instantaneously. I've told her and just like Sister Feena, Nira and her brother, she was shocked. Well, she was more shocked like Nir. I went online and luckily Nira onlined too! She asked how I was feeling and we chatted. She has always been there for me, no matter what. Then, we went down and ate again, ahaha. Well, earlier was breakfast, then, this one is lunch. Afterwards, Sister Feena and Abg Hafis brought me to Serasa beach along with Fitri. Oh Godd! That car of his can really make my ears ring and brain jump!! Hahaha. They said I was crack. Fitri even recommended for me to go to the hospital. Hahaha. Well, being crack is better than being frustrated kn? We stopped by to buy drinks. Sister Feena and Abg Hafis said that the guyseller kept on looking at me (-_-") I guess he also saw that I was crack, ahaha, kidding.

In the car

At the beach

Time to go home

Cant-get-out-of-my-head sentences:

Sister Feena,

"You're still 16, young,there's a long time chances for you."
"It's not your loss."
"Are you happy already?"
"Senyum sudahh =)"
"I love you too


"Every bad thing has a good thing too."
"We will try our best to be there for you."

(You guys are the best already =))


"Inda buleh! Carrick aku yg punya!!"
"Crack ku eh. Si Jirah ni punya pasal!"

(When I'm crack, it usually means that I'm happy. Now that you're crack, I've made you happy! Hahaha)

Abg Hafis

"banyak jua org di pantai ani. Woiii!!! Aidil Adha kli ni ah! Agath balik krumah menyembalih!"

(He's a fun guy to be with! I've teased him since forever and he never ever got mad! Plus ,he's always silly and can easily make us laugh crazily)

My sister hugs and talks helped a lot. She wiped my tears and reminded me that there are other people who are more unfortunate. Nira, always knows the right words to say. Fitri, our talks really brighten up my day
and your swearings often made me laugh. Em and Jud, I havent told you cause I think Judy is at Limbang and there's always a DST problem between Emma and me. My other besties, Zai and Zii, you'll know it one day and you guys will be there for me as usual. I'm sure =)


I was supposed to scream my heart out at the beach. I was recommended to do so but, the beach was invaded! Hahaha. People kept staring at us being vain at the camera and I guess also because our attire didn't match the beach theme. The important thing is, we really had a great time. These three people are the main reason why this year Aidil Adha turned out to be the best. They turned my stormy cloud into a sunny one. very sunny. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! =)

"Even though I really love you, gotta smile cause I deserve too. It'll all get better in time..."

Leona Lewis


Zira Sazalee