Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Appreciation dinner

It was held at Rizqun hotel at 7:30PM on 13th June 2009. A most memorable night. Despite of my tiredness on joining the cross-coutry earlier that day, I still managed to have lotsa fun. I enjoyed my time and took a lot of memorable photos =)
Our hosts for the night

Hadi & Faz

Steph and I were waiting for Edna at the lobby. Boredom strikes! Camera is on the hand! Equals to snap! snap!

Some solo photos of the guests.

Then, the dinner began. It started with an opening speech made by Nas. Then, a singing of I'm yours - Jason Mraz by Hasnaa and Apil along with Faz playing the guitar.

Afterwards, Hasnaa sang another song which sounded from the fifties. Really good =)

Next, Apil performed a rock playing guitar performance.

Sham and Aqiel also performed the same thing but they did it together.

Then, a dance performance by Wafiy! =D

The food was great. Especially the potatoes.

Vaining session.

The award ceremony was next and the awards were specially for the 2008/2009 batch. We had a group photo session. Even at the balcony. It was beautiful out there.

End of ceremony.

It was a glorious night filled with happy moments. One night that is added in my memorable days =).


Zira Lee