Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mix them up and what'll you get?

Okay, I know I haven't been blogging for awhile. Since the holiday started, that is. I'm just tired. Anyways, I've already bought Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. These books are essential for my English Literature class. I decided not to photocopy the books from the teacher even though photocopy saves for about $10.00 - $13.00 for each book. Owning your own book is better. It makes it more special, in a way. I haven't really started reading them yet but I'll get to it soon. Niezza told me that Twelfth Night plot is quite similar to the movie 'She's the man' and I read the little summary of the back cover and it does sound like that movie. The main character name is also 'Viola' So, my guess is the movie 'She's the man' is a modernized story taken from the 16th century Twelfth Night. Looking forward to read that. Jane Eyre also seems fascinating. Thank Goodness I love to read! And both books were the last. Phew! I'm understanding Elite better now and I'm starting to enjoy it. Not that I didn't enjoy it before, I do. it's just that now, I enjoyed it 'more' since I am able to understand it better than the last lessons.

Oh, and last Tuesday, we had our first CCA. I was assigned on Adventure club. Yeayyy. I'm adventurous, that's a statement. A lot of people joined this club. Aiyayiyo. It was fun. We had this pop the other group balloons and protect yours as thye last activity. The result of this game was a lot of screaming and of course, running. People probably thought we were a bunch of cuckoos. I had my uniform on, come on, I didn't know we had to wear the sportswear. I thought it will just be a briefing. However, that was no exception. Uniform or not, I still had to participate. It was fun. Though I cannot run that much. Pakai kain, yo, kain!! My GP classmate popped my balloon when there was for only about 20-15 seconds left till the game end. Huhuhuhuhu. Almost survived. My poor baby =(

Next, my Psychology tutor informed us that we will be having an important 'appointment' on our Saturday Psychology class. If you get what I mean. Whoo boy... I don't know why but I can't really concentrate during my Psychology class. My brain feels... discharged.

PS was obviously my favourite. Who doesn't like PS? You can study and talk/joke at the same time without being scolded. I do most of the talking and joking and less of the studying though. The only person on our table that I realized concentrating hard on their studies for almost the whole period was Syukri. Syukri and his Maths. Brr, I'm glad I'm not so into Maths. As for Qanzul, well, he really digs this 'Tafsiran Surah' book but I don't think that it matters for his studies unless it is involved in Sastera. Oh, wait, is he taking Sastera?? Or was it B.Melayu?? Or something else... Ahhh, whatever. And Nira, well, she ended up drawing a flower. She did revised though. Ehe. We also did end up searching for a word in the Malay dictionary and the meaning was... uhh... very open. Anyways, I really think that I'm turning back into a procrastinator. DAMN! Somebody should really publish a book titled 'How to get rid of procrastination habit for Dummies.' I would buy that book for sure.

On to the next point. They, the aunts and uncles confirmed that this 12th April 2009, not 10th, we'll be having that supposedly family trip. Sigh. I'm not having any big hopes for it. Hopefully, this time, it will not be cancelled. The last time cancellation was simply because there was no bigger buses left. The current bus was enough for all of us but I guess that they wanted a bigger bus in order for us to have spaces for shopping bags. Come on, imagine, each person - aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins will have at least one shopping bag, it will result in 42 shopping bags then! Who wants to be crammed with shopping bags for hours? Sigh. You all may probably know by now that I hardly have time for shopping (except for groceries) Last night, I dreamt of buying this beautiful black skirt with blue and pink pattern. Aiyaiyo! Sampai mimpi ani bh! An alert for a need to shop, maybe. Hahaha.

"Alert! Warning! You need to shop!"

Be patient la, conscience. That day will come and you can shop your heart out. Too bad the time of the trip is limited. Till then, ciao!


Ziralove Lee